Proof - Directed by Charlotte Keefe
It's a Wonderful Life - Directed by Dianne Davis
Mrs. California - Directed by Sherri Perry
If a Door Opens: A Journey with Frances Perkins - Written and performed by Charlotte Keefe
Men on Boats - Directed by Chelsea Reidy
Safe Landing - Devised by Irene Loy and Mikala Martinez
Becky's New Car - directed by Cindy Valerio
Miracle on 34th Street - directed by Charlotte Keefe
Off the Map - directed by Judy Kasper
The Language Archive - directed by Karla Eoff
Dear Elizabeth - directed by Karla Eoff
The Clean House - directed by Kristin Woolf
The Game's Afoot or Holmes for the Holidays - directed by Charlotte Keefe
Love, Loss, and What I Wore - directed by Susan McQuade
The Other Place - directed by Lynn Hamrick
Losing Lawrence - directed by Neil Perlow
A Christmas Story - directed by Charlotte Keefe
LOL! 4 Plays by Christopher Durang - directed by Ana Chavez, Lorenne Gavish, Susan McQuade
Expresso Yourself - directed by Lorenne Gavish
Cups - directed by Susan Lewis
It's a Wonderful Life - directed by Charlotte Keefe
The Cemetery Club - directed by Jane Ayles
On Golden Pond - directed by Judy Kasper
It's a Wonderful Life - directed by Charlotte Keefe
12 Angry Jurors - directed by Charlotte Keefe
The Dining Room - directed by Susan McQuade